BEN LEANDER Design Studio

+43 650 707 9191


Going on Summer Break

Hello everyone,

Thank you for stopping by – for the first time, regularly or sometimes.

Writing this blog has always been a hobby for me to release stress and to order my thoughts. Considering Corona, and everything else that happened over the past couple of weeks, however, I’ve had enough time to reflect and now I just wanna leave my home and my thoughts and problems with it.

I have started into this summer on my birthday by DJing in Stadtpark to have again what I have been missing for the past couple of months: A party to forget about everything. I have realized, however, that I am missing more than just that. One of the things I miss right now, is Berlin. That’s why I’m going on a summer break and up to the north! There is no super-concrete plan but I think I’m also excited about simply going with the flow. I might find the time to post some blogs, maybe not.

Wish me luck! And see you refreshed in a couple of weeks!




P.s.: If you’re a client of mine you should’ve already received an email on how we’re going to handle this summer.

P.p.s: The photo was taken in a tiny ass village in north Sweden, called Gällivare.

Compulsive nonconformist who left the 9-to-5 world after studying psychology and has since then devoted himself to design and writing on a freelance basis. Has at least four different kinds of chips at home at any given time.

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