BENLEANDER_Design Studio

+43 650 707 9191

A Thank You Letter

It is December and while I don’t care for catholic traditions, I do enjoy that this is supposed to be a time of love and compassion. In this spirit, I wanna thank a couple of people and share the love. 

My family

Although they’re never gonna read it (and I’m glad that they don’t read lots of what I put out here!), I wanna start by thanking my family. Although I don’t think that parenting is ever particularly easy, I also believe that I wasn’t the easiest child to begin with. But we all got through it alive and that’s what counts. I wanna thank you, mom and dad and my sister, for how you’ve been there for me every time when I thought my life was crashing down. Like no others you’ve helped me when I was single again after my former long-term relationship and when I was diagnosed with Diabetes. I know that wasn’t an easy time for any of us. 

My boyfriend

When I thought life only had obstacles in place for me I met you. We used to say that our timing is off but honestly, I’m not sure if when we met wasn’t the perfect time after all. It might have interfered with my plans for moving to Berlin but it also interfered with my ‘I’m never gonna find love again’-thinking. You’ve helped me grow so much and are always there for me and I cannot thank you enough for that.

My friends

While I sometimes act as if I’m the cool lone wolf I want everyone to believe I am, I know that I couldn’t survive without my friends. Regardless of whether we spend the nights discussing our lives or whether we just distract ourselves from our problems, I am so incredibly thankful to have you guys in my life and could not imagine a lonely life after all. No matter how cool that may sound.

My ex-boyfriend

It may sound surprising after the big drama of our breakup, but if I disregard that for a moment, my ex-boyfriend helped me a lot. We went through the worst time of my OCD together and that is never easy for a relationship, no matter how stable it is in principle. He was also the one who diagnosed my diabetes and probably saved my life doing so. Even if we didn’t split in peace and weren’t able to stay friends that is something I’ll never forget. 

All in all, what I wanna say is: Thank you to all the wonderful people in my life. I literally wouldn’t be here without you. Even if I’m not in active contact with all of you and even though I even had to split ties with some of you, I am eternally grateful for knowing you.

Thank you for believing in me even when I don’t.



Compulsive nonconformist who left the 9-to-5 world after studying psychology and has since then devoted himself to design and writing on a freelance basis. Has at least four different kinds of chips at home at any given time.

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